Wsus Files Too Large
Best Practice to clean up WSUS content no longer needed. Run this script in ps 3. D. Script to decline superseeded updates in WSUS. Its recommended to run the script with the Skip. Decline switch to see how many superseded updates are in WSUS and to TAKE A BACKUP OF THE SUSDB before declining the updates. Parameters Update. Server Specify WSUS Server Name Use. SSL Specify whether WSUS Server is configured to use SSL Port Specify WSUS Server Port Skip. Microsoft released security updates for the companys Windows operating system, and other company products on the October 2017 Patch Tuesday. Our monthly series. NTFS New Technology File System is a proprietary file system developed by Microsoft. Starting with Windows NT 3. Windows NT family. Thank you for a very helpful post, it worked for me, I really needed those extra files, and the stop windows update tip. Win 7 updated with the rollup, but stalled on. Windows Registry Wsus Server Fix, Clean WINDOWS REGISTRY WSUS SERVER And Optimize PC SPEED Up Your PC FREE Scan Now Recommended. Errors In. Decline Specify this to do a test run and get a summary of how many superseded updates we have Decline. Last. Level. Only Specify whether to decline all superseded updates or only last level superseded updates Exclusion. Period Specify the number of days between today and the release date for which the superseded updates must not be declined. Eg, if you want to keep superseded updates published within the last 2 months, specify. Supersedence chain could have multiple updates. For example, Update. Update. 2. Update. GXKKHo0M/UicCE-24h3I/AAAAAAAACu4/NP0fjLndj8M/s1600/wsusutilresetsql.PNG' alt='Wsus Files Too Large' title='Wsus Files Too Large' />Update. In this scenario, the Last Level in the supersedence chain is Update. To decline only the last level updates in the supersedence chain, specify the Decline. Last. Level. Only switch Usage To do a test run against WSUS Server without SSL Decline Superseded. Updates. ps. 1 Update. Server SERVERNAME Port 8. Diamond Tool Xp. Skip. Decline To do a test run against WSUS Server using SSL Decline Superseded. Updates. ps. 1 Update. Server SERVERNAME Use. SSL Port 8. 53. Skip. Decline To decline all superseded updates on the WSUS Server using SSL Decline Superseded. Updates. ps. 1 Update. Server SERVERNAME Use. SSL Port 8. 53. To decline only Last Level superseded updates on the WSUS Server using SSL Decline Superseded. Updates. ps. 1 Update. Server SERVERNAME Use. SSL Port 8. 53. Decline. Last. Level. Only To decline all superseded updates on the WSUS Server using SSL but keep superseded updates published within the last 2 months 6. Decline Superseded. Updates. ps. 1 Update. Server SERVERNAME Use. SSL Port 8. 53. Exclusion. Period 6. Cmdlet. BindingParamParameterMandatoryTrue,Position1string Update. Server,ParameterMandatoryFalseswitch Use. SSL,ParameterMandatoryTrue, Position2Port,switch Skip. Decline,switch Decline. Last. Level. Only,ParameterMandatoryFalseint Exclusion. Period 0Write Host if Skip. Decline and Decline. Last. Level. Only Write Host Using Skip. Decline and Decline. Last. Level. Only switches together is not allowed. Write Host returnout. Path Split Path script My. Invocation. My. Command. Pathout. Superseded. List Join Path out. Path Superseded. Updates. Superseded. List. Backup Join Path out. Path Superseded. Updates. Backup. csvUpdate. ID, Revision. Number, Title, KBArticle, Security. Bulletin, Last. Level Out File out. Superseded. Listtry if Use. SSL Write Host Connecting to WSUS server Update. Server on Port Port using SSL. No. New. Line Else Write Host Connecting to WSUS server Update. Server on Port Port. No. New. Linereflection. Load. With. Partial. NameMicrosoft. Update. Services. Administration out nullwsus Microsoft. Update. Services. Administration. Admin. Proxy Get. Update. ServerUpdate. Server, Use. SSL, Port catch System. Exception Write Host Failed to connect. Write Host Error. Exception. Message. Write Host Please make sure that WSUS Admin Console is installed on this machineWrite Host wsus nullif wsus eq null return Write Host Connected. All. Updates 0count. Superseded. All 0count. Superseded. Last. Level 0count. Superseded. Exclusion. Period 0count. Superseded. Last. Level. Exclusion. Period 0count. Declined 0. Write Host Getting a list of all updates. No. New. Linetry all. Updates wsus. Get. Updatescatch System. ExceptionWrite Host Failed to get updates. Write Host Error. Exception. Message. Write Host If this operation timed out, please decline the superseded updates from the WSUS Console manually. Write Host returnWrite Host DoneWrite Host Parsing the list of updates. No. New. Lineforeachupdate in all. Updates count. All. Updatesif update. Is. Declined count. Declinedif update. Is. Declined and update. Is. Superseded count. Superseded. Allif update. Has. Superseded. Updates count. Superseded. Last. Level if update. Creation. Date lt get date. Add. Days Exclusion. Period count. Superseded. Exclusion. Periodif update. Has. Superseded. Updates count. Superseded. Last. Level. Exclusion. Periodupdate. Id. Update. Id. Guid, update. Id. Revision. Number, update. Title, update. Knowledge. Base. Articles, update. Security. Bulletins, update. Has. Superseded. Updates Out File out. Superseded. List Append. Write Host Done. Write Host List of superseded updates out. Superseded. ListWrite Host Write Host Summary Write Host Write Host All Updates count. All. Updates. Write Host Any except Declined count. All. Updates count. DeclinedWrite Host All Superseded Updates count. Superseded. All. Write Host Superseded Updates Intermediate count. Superseded. All count. Superseded. Last. LevelWrite Host Superseded Updates Last Level count. Superseded. Last. Level. Write Host Superseded Updates Older than Exclusion. Period days count. Superseded. Exclusion. Period. Write Host Superseded Updates Last Level Older than Exclusion. Period days count. Superseded. Last. Level. Exclusion. Period. Write Host i 0if Skip. Decline Write Host Skip. Decline flag is set to Skip. Decline. Continuing with declining updatesupdates. Declined 0if Decline. Last. Level. Only Write Host Decline. Last. Level is set to True. Only declining last level superseded updates. Updates if update. Is. Declined and update. Is. Superseded and update. Has. Superseded. Updates if update. Creation. Date lt get date. Add. Days Exclusion. Period ipercent. Complete 0 N2 f updates. Declinedcount. Superseded. Last. Level. Exclusion. Period 1. 00Write Progress Activity Declining Updates Status Declining update icount. Superseded. Last. Level. Exclusion. Period update. Id. Update. Id. Guid Percent. Complete percent. Complete Current. Operation percent. Complete. completetry update. Decline updates. Declinedcatch System. ExceptionWrite Host Failed to decline update update. Id. Update. Id. Guid. Error. Exception. Message else Write Host Decline. Last. Level is set to False. Declining all superseded updates. Updates if update. Is. Declined and update. Is. Superseded if update. Creation. Date lt get date. Add. Days Exclusion. Period ipercent. Complete 0 N2 f updates. Declinedcount. Superseded. All 1. 00Write Progress Activity Declining Updates Status Declining update icount. Superseded. All update. Id. Update. Id. Guid Percent. Complete percent. Complete Current. Operation percent. Complete. completetry update. Declineupdates. Declinedcatch System.