Antenna Calculator Software

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Yagi Calculator. There have been minor fixes to improve reliability in different machines and better program flow. No changes were made to the essential algorithms apart from the additions needed to cater for alternate boom and element material shapes. If you run Vista I recommend you run it as Administrator. NEW in 2. 01. 3 YC now produces. MMANA GAL optimiser. Features of the free but copyrighted program include calculation of the element length and element spacings of a yagi for a particular frequency, different size materials for boom and elements are catered for as are different methods of mounting, dimensions of baluns are calculated, there is provision for entering the dimensions of an existing DL6. Contemporary Retail And Marketing Case Studies Juta Pdf there. Acknowledgements. Yagi Calculator is a program to assist with the design of long yagi antennas. It uses the graphs and principles developed by DL6WU and printed. WU antenna for optimisation through an external program or to gather information on its gain, beamwidth etc. A handy SWR calculator and feedline loss calculator are included as part of the package. Stacking information is also provided as are estimates of gain. A helpfile is included that covers many aspects of yagi design as well as helping with the operation of the program. Note where countries use a comma for decimals you may need to change your country code otherwise MMANA files will not run. Heres one solution http www. Yagi Calculator is a Windows program that also runs well on Linux, Ubuntu 8. Wine, to produce dimensions for a DL6. WU style long Yagi antenna. Long yagis are commonly used from the 1. MHz amateur band to the 2. GHz band. The DL6. WU yagi is highly regarded as being easy to build with repeatable results, broad bandwidth and a useful pattern. The program on this site was developed in the early 9. DOS program. Time moved on and so did operating systems, so the 2. Windows environment and update the information and modify some of the algorithms. Yagi Antenna Calculator Software' title='Yagi Antenna Calculator Software' />Latest Version is 2. Help file. Version 2. July 2. 01. 5 fixed a bug when restoring a saved file. Ive also re arranged a couple of menus. A materials list has been added to the yagi printout to assist with the buying process but be wary that this is a calculated measure and does not allow for saw cuts and wastage from short purchased lengths. The output screen Acknowledgements. Yagi Calculator is a program to assist with the design of long yagi antennas. Antenna Calculator Software' title='Antenna Calculator Software' />It uses the graphs and principles developed by DL6. WU and printed originally in the German Radio Magazine VHF Communications March 1. The article was titled Extremely Long Yagi Antennas. For best front to back ratio it is recommended that a yagi be constructed with one of the following numbers of elements 1. Yagi builders are reminded that DL6. WU designs are primarily for long yagis. How To Vsco Film For'>How To Vsco Film For. Biquad Antenna Calculator SoftwareA boom length of 2 wavelengths or 1. On the other hand, yagis with as few as 8 elements have used the design and worked very well. The work of David VK3. AUU AR Feb 1. 98. DL6. WUs graphs was very valuable. The reflector calculations are based on a Basic program written by KY4. Z and W6. NBI and with suggestions by DL6. WU. The ARRL Antenna Handbook provided information, as did various sources on the Internet. K5. OEs site at http members. K5. OE is a particularly useful one. The author acknowledges the 1. ARRL Handbook for information on coaxial cable impedance, dielectric and velocity factor. I acknowledge Kevin Schmidt W9. CF http fermi. Version 2. The formula source for the impedance calculations is from Round and Square Section Parallel Transmission Lines Theory, Practice and Applications by Roger Harrison and Andy Sayers VK2. AES, Gipps. Tech Conference 2. Churchhill, Victoria, Australia. Square section Zo0. D2 4. 11ssD3 where s is face to face spacing, Dwidth of square section line. Circular section line Zo9. D2 8. 6sD3 5. Ddiameter of circular section line. Links. Some valuable comments on scaling and boom diameters from W4. RNLConsiderations on the effects of boom diameter by Lief Asbrink, SM5. BSZConstruction of a DL6. WU yagi using a folded dipole by Jim W6. PQLExperiments on an antenna range by Jim W6. PQLVarious antenna applets and particularly the correction factor for square section versus round rods by Kevin Schmidt. Some antenna range results by the US National Bureau of Standards. Linux Redtube Video Version 5.0'>Linux Redtube Video Version 5.0. RF Calculator Wavelength, dBm, dBuV, W, dBuVm, mWcm2, pJcm2, V VSWR. This RF calculator has been developed by Compliance Engineering as a resource for. This page provides a collection of free software for RF and Wireless Engineers and others interested in Spread Spectrum and Wireless communications.